S2000 Real Grey/BlackCarbon Fiber Dash Kit
Grey/Black Real Carbon Fiber.
Tight uniform weave sets our kits apart!
Far shot.
Close-up on center console area. Perfect fit cut to perfection.
BEFORE in black interior.
AFTER in black interior. Wow! Perfectly cut edges and tapered clear
AFTER in red interior. As you can tell in the above pictures, lighting
plays a major part on how the kit appears.
Details, details, details. The Burtman Industries motto!
Passenger side vent piece. Recessed piece with a perfect fit.
Radio piece. Most '04 owners leave this area stock.
"Real Grey/Black Carbon Fiber Kit available from Burtman
Industries. Set your S2000 apart from the rest.
Other companies may use the same layout picture, but lack the quality
of our manufacturing.